As an investor we have do focus on few things and do them correctly. Learning from experts like Ben Graham and Warren buffet is one of the "must do"- here are a few points from Ben Graham which i try to remind myself every morning
Investment is most intelligent when its most business like
1. Know your business -Know what you are doing, know the value of securities.
2.Do not let anyone else run your business - decide what has to be done with your money.
3. Do not enter a business unless reliable calculation shows that you will make money.Base your decision on arithmetic not optimism.
4. Have courage on your knowledge and intelligence.Act on your judgement.Courage becomes supreme virtue once judgement is at hand.
5. The secret of being being financially independent is inside yourself.
If you become a critical thinker and let not the noise of the market drive your opinion you can take advantage of even the worst bear markets. Make your own discipline and let not mood swings of people drive your financial future
6. You are neither right or wrong because people agree with you.
To be a investor you should be a believer in better tomorrow - stocks are not about the past
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